Pope Francis

October 11, 2013.


Many people ask me about Pope Francis, "is he a good pope or a bad pope?" This is a legitimate question which I do not know the answer to at this time. In the past we have had both good popes and bad popes in the Catholic Church and some that are in between. When Jesus established the Papacy (Matthew 16:18), He never guaranteed that all his "Peters" would be holy men. There was one bad apple even among His own hand picked twelve Apostles. And Jesus had to rebuke Peter on occasion. Jesus also told us how to judge others: "By their fruits you will know them" (Matthew 7:16). So, let's take a brief look at the Pope's pontificate so far.


On the positive side, Pope Francis' recent prayer vigil was most instrumental, at least in my opinion, in preventing the expansion of war in Syria. He conducted rosary prayers to Mary on the eve of her birthday and we all know those prayers were answered. Scoffers may deny that, but for three weeks there was an impossible stalemate between Russia and America and many were suggesting the possibility of nuclear war. Within 24 hours of the conclusion of Francis' prayer vigil, the diplomatic logjam was broken. Those first fruits of Pope Francis are very compelling indeed.

On the other hand, he has made errors which I have pointed out in videos posted on YouTube. He washed the feet of women during Holy Week services this past spring. Jesus never did anything like that. Also, he processed with a perverted cross before and after Mass on the island of Lampedusa.


In conclusion, I honestly believe it is premature to judge Francis in toto. I'm sure his greatest accomplishments or perhaps his greatest failures lie ahead. On October 13, he is planning to consecrate the world to Mary's Immaculate Heart. Let's pray that he prominently includes the name of Russia in that consecration, as Mary requested at Fatima. If he does not, the greatest warning of Fatima, and the only Fatima prophecy which has yet to be fulfilled, the "annihilation of nations", will come upon all of mankind.


Jesus said, 'My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me'.